Voyager 1400G

1-091646-20 (Roll)

Honeywell, thermal transfer ribbon, TMX 2020 / HP04 wax/resin, roll-width: 60mm, core: 12.7mm, lengt...

7800LWA-GC111XE - Dispositivo Honeywell Scanning & Mobility Dolphin 7800

Configurazione del dispositivo: Wi-Fi 802.11a / b / g / n, Bluetooth, GSM, HSDPA, campo esteso con m...


MS9540 Voyager Hand-Held Scanner (Scanner Only - with CodeGate, HH Scanner and Low Speed USB) - Colo...

CK3RAA4S000W4400 - Dispositivo Honeywell Scanning & Mobility CK3R

Configurazione dispositivo: tastiera alfanumerica, gamma standard Imager EA31, senza fotocamera, Wi-...

1452g2D-2 - Scanner wireless Honeywell Voyager 1452g

Scanner wireless Honeywell Voyager 1452g, per uso commerciale, 2D, imager, campo di lettura 3-36 cm,...

IS4125-47 - Honeywell IS4125, PS2

Honeywell IS4125, laser scan module for installation, single scanline, 52 scans/sec., 1D


scanner palmare, vendita al dettaglio, 2D, imager (gamma standard), distanza di lettura 0-32 cm, Dig...